"Non Silba, Sed Anthar: Not for Self, But for Others"
These are the words of a very grateful veteran -after receiving his iPad gift--to describe how he felt about the iWarriors mission. Just wanted to share the continuing wonderful efforts of iWarriors--moldmakers on a mission!
These are the words of a very grateful veteran Wade J. Spann--after receiving his iPad gift--to describe how he felt about the iWarriors mission. This veteran served three tours in Iraq and was injured by an IED explosion that ejected him from his humvee. The shrapnel wounds have healed, but he still battles short-term memory loss from repeated explosions during his tours. iWarriors served this wounded Marine with an iPad last week. According to iWarriors co-founder Kim Bartz, the use of his iPad will allow him to download exercises to help restore his memory as well as schedule doctor and therapy appointments and daily medication dosing. He says it is very frustrating to be so forgetful when it comes to ordinary, daily tasks. He is anxious to begin restoring his memory. Just wanted to share the continuing wonderful efforts of iWarriors--moldmakers on a mission!