
No New Manufacturing Jobs in April

The manufacturing sector suffered a small setback last month according to the latest U.S. job report. No new jobs were created.


According to the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM), the latest monthly U.S. jobs report shows America's manufacturing sector didn't gain a single job in April 2013, a setback in the effort to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs in the president's second term.

"The latest jobs report shows that we are a long way from a true resurgence in American manufacturing,” AAM President Scott Paul notes. “We strongly believe that we won't see real growth in manufacturing jobs without the right policies from Washington, DC."

Paul points to AAM's Blueprint for manufacturing, which offers key policy prescriptions to revitalize America's industrial sector. "We're falling further behind the pace needed to add 1 million manufacturing jobs in President Obama's second term, yet no one in Washington seems very serious about a jobs agenda.  That must change."

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