Moldmaking Technology Magazine

I Bet $250,000 Gets Your Attention

Well, this morning I gave you a little background on MTConnect. I hope you had a chance to do a little research. If not, I'm going to give you a little incentive to make the time--a little challenge and you could win cash!


Well, this morning I gave you a little background on MTConnect. I hope you had a chance to do a little research, if not I'm going to give you a little incentive to make the time--a little challenge and you could win cash.

MTConnect® is a "newly developed, open communication standard that provides the capability to pass data from equipment and devices to higher level systems for further processing using the XML-based standard". The MTConnect Challenge - Creating Manufacturing Intelligence, a Department of Defense sponsored competition, seeks to "engage and stimulate development of a broader base of advanced manufacturing intelligence applications that acquire data utilizing the MTConnect standard. The intent is to enable a more efficient and competitive domestic manufacturing infrastructure for the defense enterprise. Additionally, the objective of this challenge is to create valuable low-cost tools and applications that can be easily adopted by manufacturing enterprises to enhance their capabilities and support supply management."
The challenge will be comprised of two phases with cash prizes at the conclusion of each phase.

Challenge 1 Awards
Five (5) cash prizes at $5,000 each.
Challenge 2 Awards
$100,000 1st Prize, $75,000 2nd Prize, and $50,000 Third Prize

In the first phase, which started last Friday and runs through May 31, 2013, the team is seeking the identification of ambitious yet achievable ideas that capture the public's imagination and harness innovation and breakthroughs for the defense and U.S. industrial manufacturing supply chain.

For the second phase, which begins on July 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014, the team is seeking software applications that address the objectives of this challenge.  The challenge encourages submissions from a wide variety of diverse perspectives - students and professionals, scientist, laypersons, and organizations including manufacturing entities.

To learn more click here.



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