SW North America, CNC Machines and Automation

Manager Aids Automation with Software and Machine Monitoring

NOS Microsystems’s electronic software delivery (ESD) solution, getPlus, is a software manager that bridges the gap between the automation provider and the end user.


NOS Microsystems’s electronic software delivery (ESD) solution, getPlus, is a software manager that bridges the gap between the automation provider and the end user by integrating into the automation providers’ licensing structures and databases to manage and deliver entitled and required software updates to their clients. For the end user, getPlus monitors the status of machines so that updates and incompatibility issues are identified. NOS Microsystems says that the end result ensures convenience, reduced support costs, better life-cycle maintenance of products and revenue recognition across the supply chain. 

The software delivery manager is lightweight at 200kB (or less than 1 MB) on the client side. It is small enough that it does not require installation. It can build entirely new system or upgrade an existing environment. It can detect advanced customer dependencies and entitlements. The company says that no additional staff are required from the automation provider. NOS Microsystems provides full front-end and back-end support, and the system has low implementation and maintenance costs. getPlus works with all database systems, existing delivery systems and cloud services. Cyber security and electronic download experts developed getPlus, which establishes a TLS-connection. It provides a proof of delivery following download. The software manager tracks downloads and maintenance expirations to promote additional solutions and to increase sales.

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