High-Feed Cutting Tools Offer Longer Reach, Stable Cut
IMTS 2024: Horn USA Inc. offers tool systems, such as its DAH cutters, designed for high-productivity, cost-efficient machining processes.
Source | Horn USA Inc.
Horn USA Inc. offers cutting tool systems manufactured by Horn Group with the ability to achieve high-productivity, cost-efficienct machining processes. This especially benefits those in tool and moldmaking, as high-feed milling can be used economically and productively. High-performance milling is not only defined by high infeeds, but in high feed milling and by small infeeds, coupled with high-traverse speed of the cutter.
The biggest benefit in high feed cutting tools for moldmakers is the long reach-to-diameter ratio while maintaining a stable cut. The metal removal rates can be much higher than a more traditional 90-degree cutter. A more stable cut decreases the likelihood to chip inserts, ultimately resulting in increased tool life. High feed tools also typically have higher ramp angles, enabling them to plunge faster.
Machining applications have changed and challenges have become more complex and demanding. For a tool manufacturer, this requires designing cutting tool systems for different applications.
For example, a cutting tool may not only be used for corner milling but should also have the optional ability to plunge cut. Another aspect is modern machine dynamics. The acceleration and deceleration of the axes as well as their synchronization have been significantly optimized. For relatively new technologies, such as trochoidal and high-feed milling, cutting tool systems must be able to withstand the high dynamic loads.
A few years ago, Horn USA Inc. introduced a system for high-feed milling — DAH cutters for face milling. Due to the load being in the axial direction, the cutting tool and spindle mainly experience compressive force and the shear forces are relatively low. Because of its low tendency to vibrate, the tools are able to withstand the high loads typically generated by a feed per tooth of fz =1 mm at cutting depths of up to 1.2 mm. The large radius on the main cutting edge of the three-edged inserts creates a soft cut, ensuring an even distribution of the cutting forces and long tool life. On the inside, a small cutting-edge radius ensures fast plunging. A primary and secondary clearance angle leads to a stable wedge angle and good cutting-edge stability. Due to significantly higher feed rates compared with conventional milling, metal removal rate in high-feed milling is reported to be significantly increased, despite the lower infeed depths.
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