
IMTS 2018 Job Shops Program

IMTS will host “lunch and learn” events geared toward owner-operated job shops. 


IMTS 2018—The International Manufacturing Technology Show recognizes the critical role job shops play within the manufacturing industry. To help job shop stakeholders find solutions to their everyday problems, IMTS has announced a focus on job shops and created a special series of events, including practical learning sessions, engagement opportunities and conferences. IMTS 2018 runs September 10-15 at McCormick Place in Chicago. 

To register and learn more about events that help job shops improve efficiency in multiple areas, visit the IMTS website. As an incentive to attend these events, IMTS is offering a chance to win a garage shop welding and cutting equipment package valued at approximately $5,000, courtesy of ESAB.

Practical Learning

This year, IMTS will host practical learning sessions and conferences specifically geared toward owner-operated job shops from Wednesday, September 12 through Friday, September 14. The first “lunch and learn” session will kick off September 12 at 11 a.m. with insights from Steve Miller, who will discuss new ideas for business growth and lessons from his book, Uncopyable: Creating an Unfair Advantage Over the Competition. This session and lunch will also be offered on September 14 at 11 a.m. Following lunch, at 12:45 p.m. on Wednesday only, a panel featuring successful job shop owners will lead a discussion titled The Unending Search for Qualified Labor, the leading issue job shops face. 

Another learning opportunity includes Modern Machine Shop magazine’s Top Shops Workshop, a live extension of their benchmarking program for job shops, on Thursday, September 13. Top Shops features a combination of technology utilization and modernization that have helped manufacturing facilities be competitive, innovative and profitable.

Technologies and Products

IMTS features 10 technology pavilions, all offering a multitude of technologies and products specifically for job shops. From additive manufacturing, metal cutting and quality assurance, attendees will experience new technologies and products for job shops throughout McCormick Place. 

In addition, the Modern Machine Shop Top Shops booth, located at the entrance to the North Building, provides an interactive display for discovering the best practices of the finest advanced manufacturing shops and plants. 

Engage and Discover

During the job shops “lunch and learn” events IMTS encourages shop stakeholders to share ideas and talk through strategies essential for helping their business grow. The chances are that others in the room face the same or similar challenges, and the willingness to share success stories is one of the traits that brings the manufacturing community together.

Similarly, the Top Shops Workshop is sponsoring a networking session on Thursday, September 13, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. for all attendees of this program to meet the speakers and engage with industry peers to exchange ideas, share challenges and find solutions that can boost their business to new heights.

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