hot runner Source: Husky Technologies

Advancements in Hot Runner and Controller Technology for Medical and Complex Molding

May 10, 2022 |

In this webinar, hot runner experts at Husky will focus on recent hot runner and control technology advancements that provide higher-level processing capabilities to molders that reduce production risk and increase capacity.

In this webinar, hot runner experts at Husky will focus on recent hot runner and control technology advancements that provide higher-level processing capabilities to molders that reduce production risk and increase capacity.


  • Valve gating technology breakthroughs and the impact to part quality with a focus on gate quality variables like posting, crown flash and hot gates
  • The impact of temperature and pressure on resin and the relationship to part quality
  • Injection technology and material selection that helps to preserve resin integrity
  • Control and traceability technology that reduces risk and increases process integrity

Presenter 1:

Derrick Hennebicque

Product Manager, Hot Runners

Derrick Hennebicque is the hot runner product manager for Husky Technologies, and is currently responsible for new product launches, specialty applications, and product portfolio management. With over 20 years of experience in manufacturing and plastics applications, he specializes in hot runner technology and injection molding. Derrick lives in Vermont and holds a degree in plastics engineering technology from Pennsylvania State University’s Behrend College.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.

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