Sherry Baranek Contributing Writer

Training Initiative’s "Mold VS Machine" Approach Boosts Moldmaker/Molder Relationship

“Understanding mold design helps molders understand the limitations as well as the possibilities in mold design. Molders can ask constructive and critical questions with knowledge, and also conjure recommendations and make suggestions for improving designs.”

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A Final Line Of Defense to Making A Quality Program And Product

“We use and rely on VERICUT to verify quality, datum shifts, and cutter path manipulation.”

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Getting to the “Core” of Buss Precision Mold’s Success

“We will continue to exhibit small company nimbleness to quickly adapt to our customers’ needs, while having the technology and capacity of a larger shop.”

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Monday Musings

As an editor I get a *lot* of email! Most of it is thankfully moldmaking-related; some is more peripheral. So what does the book Concrete Jungle Survival Guide: Four Steps to Overcoming the Chaos (and Taming the 10,000-Pound Gorilla in Your Midst!) have in common with a past Leadtime Leader? Guess you will have to click if you want to find out…

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Let’s Take This Show on the Road!

That is what the Alliance for American Manufacturing is doing—literally—as the organization works to spread the word about the importance of keeping manufacturing in America by travelling to different locations for town hall meetings.


China and Japan Not Cited for Currency Manipulation by Treasury Dept.

Last month I blogged about how the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership could impact U.S. economy. Last week, the U.S. Treasury Department released its semiannual report, which did not cite China or Japan for currency manipulation.

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Alliance for American Manufacturing Launches Job Tracker

The AAM is putting President Obama to the test! The association has launched a job tracker to check progress on his promise to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs.

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This Shop Has Gone to the Dogs!

Actually, that statement couldn’t be further from the truth, but I thought it was catchy! I just had the pleasure of working with Jonathan Buss of Buss Precision Molds for a May profile, and he sent me this photo of Fritz & Nikki, his official guard dogs.

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Hyundai WIA Aids Training Efforts

I was thrilled to learn that Hyundai WIA has loaned two machines to be used in an apprenticeship program at Finger Lakes Community College when I popped into company HQ earlier this week to attend an expo they were hosting.

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iWarriors Return from Balboa Naval Hospital!

This wonderful organization just got back from a trip to the West Coast where they handed out 16 iPads to deserving wounded veterans. Won’t you be a part of this ongoing effort to honor those who have fallen fighting for our freedom?

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On the Road Again: Mobile Devices Making Businesses “Smarter”

I spoke with Joe Langner, executive vice president of Sage North America last week, and he said that companies are looking to leverage smart phones and tablets to extend the communication and availability of working with salespeople or people in the field as if they were physically in the office.

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The Association for Advancing Automation: The Voice of Automation

The biggest challenge is to be the voice of automation and educate potential users about the benefits of automating—especially small- to medium-size companies who may feel automation is out of their realm.

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