Moldmaking Technology Magazine

Do You Know the Next MoldMaker or Mold Designer of the Year?

If you do, now is the time to nominate them for the Society of Plastics Engineers Mold Technologies Division 2017 Mold Maker and Mold Designer of the Year award.


I serve as Secretary on the board of the Society of Plastics Engineers Mold Technologies Division, and during a board meeting earlier this month we discussed the Division's annual award, which recognizes both a moldmaker and a mold designer who have made significant contributions to their profession, and have supported and advanced the industry.

In my line of work, I have the honor of meeting and speaking with a lot of these people, but today I want to put a call out to you to nominate someone you know.  Anyone may submit a candidate to be considered for either of these two prestigious honors, and the recipient need not be an SPE Member.

To submit a candidate for consideration, please fill out your contact information, along with the contact information for the award candidate. Please identify the award that you are submitting the candidate for either the Mold Maker of the Year or the Mold Designer of the Year.

Also, please include information on the candidate (bio, description of accomplishments, etc.) to explain why you believe that your candidate should receive the respective award.
Click here to nominate.
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