Sherry Baranek Contributing Writer

Minco Tool and Mold, Inc.: On The Fast Track

Lean manufacturing and automation combined with highly trained and dedicated employees put Minco on the map—and nabbed them the 2005 Leadtime Leader Award: Large Shop

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Wayne Hertlein: SPE's 2004 Mold Designer of the Year

Since he was a tyke this industry expert has been immersed in the moldmaking industry—and has a lifetime of awards and achievements to show for it.

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SME Bright Minds Mentoring Program

Rapid prototyping (RP) experts introduce novices to the fundamentals of RP technologies through an innovative tradeshow experience.

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Fred Steil: SPE's 2004 Moldmaker of the Year

Accolades abound from the Society of Plastics Engineers for this industry veteran who has spent his life giving back to the industry.

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The United States Microscopic Welding Association: Marrying Education and Technology

The latest in products and technology joins together with hands-on learning to keep members on top of the latest trends in microwelding..

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Signature Mold & Manufacturing: Signed, Sealed and Delivered!

This moldmaker's dedicated employees initiated a name change that allows them to put their own signature on each and every mold.

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Designs Unlimited: The Sky's No Limit!

New company has designs on helping moldmakers position themselves in a competitive marketplace.

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Minnesota Mold & Engineering Group: Strength In Numbers

Four companies unite-serving as a one-stop powerhouse for art to part and anything in-between.

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Bill Matteson: Climbing the Moldmaking Ladder

A long and diverse career takes this industry veteran from the shop floor to the classroom.

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Summit Mold: Better Not Bigger

Using the latest technology and a team effort approach yields sales aplenty-and an Honorable Mention in MoldMaking Technology magazine's Leadtime Leader competition.

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Century Die: Forging Ahead

Manufacturing blow molds has kept this moldmaker in the black for more than fifty years-and has earned them an Honorable Mention in MoldMaking Technology magazine's Leadtime Leader competition.

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Wentworth Mold: Blowing Away the Competition

Niche marketing, a commitment to technology and short leadtimes equal success for this producer of blow molds-and earns them MoldMaking Technology magazine's 2004 Leadtime Leader award.

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Molded to Perfection
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
MoldMaking Technology Magazine