Sherry Baranek Contributing Writer

Case Study

Byrne Tool & Die: A Culture of Change

This moldmaker takes employee training and development to a new level and relies on the latest in lean initiatives to get the job done quickly, earning them the MoldMaking Technology 2009 Leadtime Leader Award: Small Shop.

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Commercial Tool & Die: Innovation And Improvement Are Keys to Success

The company’s two mantras—customer service coupled with continuous improvement—have allowed this mold manufacturer to triumph during trying times while landing them the MoldMaking Technology 2009 Leadtime Leader Award: Large Shop for the second year in a row.

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3D Printing

Delving into Rapid Prototyping Technologies Attracts New Customers

Offering RP services and investing in technologies that help to constantly improve those services can help you reach potential new markets and allow your company to push the envelope of mold building technology.

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Equipment Expansion Lands Additional Customers

Adding equipment to the shop floor not only accommodates existing customers, but also can serve as an investment in securing work from new customers.

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Tom Mullikin: No Voice Is Too Small

This lawyer-turned grassroots advocate urges everyone to get involved in the fight to save American manufacturing.

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Going Green Can Garner New Business

Adopting green initiatives is not only important to your business, it is important to your customer and should be a part of your standard business practices.

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CAM Software Aids in Quick Turnaround Tooling

CAM package works efficiently within CAD software—allowing a moldmaker to cut as quickly as possible to deliver molds in the shortest timeframe possible.

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The American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition

This grassroots effort pledges to raise awareness on this country’s current trade policy and effect change to level the playing field in regards to U.S. manufacturing.

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Specialty Mold Design/Build Reaches New Markets

A fast-growing molding technology results in high quality and reduced production costs for molders. Learning how to design and build molds for this process can expand your capabilities.

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The U.S. Business and Industry Council

With 75 years of experience under its belt, this grassroots effort has a mission to make the U.S. domestic economy the world’s leading engine of economic growth.

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Alliance for American Manufacturing

With a mission of keeping American manufacturing strong, this grassroots effort raises awareness on the plight the U.S. is facing and offers tips on how to keep jobs here.

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Cutting Tool/Software Providers Combine Efforts to Maximize Productivity

Collaboration amongst suppliers to be expert solutions providers is key to a moldmaker’s ability to maximize production throughout their entire manufacturing process—increasing efficiency and productivity.

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Molded to Perfection
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
Progressive Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
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