Jan Schafer Director of Market Research

Jan is a market research professional who loves learning and adding value to the businesses of Gardner’s advertisers, audience, and the company itself. Her curiosity, business knowledge, client service and shameless resourcefulness combine to enable Jan to lead research in manufacturing from objective-setting (do not even try to bypass it…) to delivering data-based recommendations (can’t dodge those either…) Jan attributes her capabilities to education in psychology and business administration followed by a healthy dose of ‘mixing it up.’ Her experience includes tending bar (more useful than you might expect,) early years (okay, 15!) at Procter & Gamble, developing her own consulting business, and leading supply-side research before landing the perfect gig at Gardner.


Moldmaking Activity Accelerated Contraction in July

July’s moldmaking index accelerated contraction for the third month in a row, though the magnitude was considerably less than last month. 

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Moldmaking Accelerated Contraction in June

June’s moldmaking index took a relatively steep downward turn, landing at a new low for the year. 

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Moldmaking Activity Contracted a Bit Faster

May’s moldmaking index took a downward turn, departing from what had been a five-month path of slowing contraction, inching toward flat.  

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Moldmaking Activity Has Contracted in a Desirable Direction

April’s moldmaking index contracted again but continued to inch toward a reading of 50 — the hurdle to cross before entering expansion.  

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Contraction in Moldmaking Activity Slowed Again in March

While still contracting, March’s moldmaking index is back on track, albeit at a slower pace, to potentially cross back over into expansion territory.  

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Moldmaking Activity Returns to Accelerated Contraction

February’s index dropped from the more positive readings seen in January, landing on par with July 2023 and remaining in contraction mode.

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Moldmaking Activity Begins 2024 With Slowed Contraction

January index reading reflects February-March 2023 readings as it slinks toward a reading of 50. There are high hopes that it may continue on this path to sustained expansion for 2024.

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Contraction in Moldmaking Activity Slowed According to GBI

The moldmaking index almost bounced back to November’s reading but stopped one point shy, as most components slowed or stabilized contraction in December.

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November GBI Saw a Drop in Moldmaking Activity

The moldmaking index experienced a high degree of accelerated contract, primarily driven by production, new orders and backlog readings.

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GBI Shifts to Second Straight Month of Slowing Contraction

While contraction has been an ongoing course for activity in the GBI: Moldmaking, its slight slowing might suggest that positive change is coming.  

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GBI: Moldmaking Undertakes Slightly Slowing Contraction

While most component activities remained unchanged in September, employment and supplier deliveries indicate a brief let-up from the contraction trend.

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Contraction is the Consistent Trend for Moldmaking

The August Gardner Business Index (GBI): Moldmaking saw more of the same contraction activity that has been reported the last four months.

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MMT Today enews
Molded to Perfection
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Custom mold components from Regal Components