Maximum Mold Precision

Take a Stand for Manufacturing!

    I was very moved when this email crossed my desk earlier today.


I was very moved when this email crossed my desk earlier today. Sandvik Coromant just announced its support and sponsorship of the upcoming Edge Factor Show film, “Metal and Flesh.”
The film chronicles two inspirational motocross and snocross professionals who wouldn’t accept the limitations that had been thrust upon them after they both were left amputees in the wake of two separate accidents. Subsequently, they found that nothing on the market could adequately reproduce the strength, agility and durability they needed in a prosthetic leg and knee joint.
Therefore, the two men began tinkering with their own designs--resulting in a film that illustrates what can be achieved through engineering and manufacturing, and inspires prospective students to heed the call. The film delivers a message of hope, of the dignity that inspires manufacturing, and our innate ability to shape our world for the better, notes JoAnn Mitchell, Senior Project Leader, Sandvik Coromant US.
Hopefully this film can help to eradicate the negative stereotypes of manufacturing and redefine the industry in the eyes of the people whose lives are shaped by manufacturers everyday. I think it should be a must-see in schools across the country! Click here for a teaser.
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